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Palm Beach Gardens Traffic Ticket Lawyers

The Palm Beach Gardens traffic ticket lawyers at the Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. work closely with individuals who have been issued a traffic citation and with those who want to fight their traffic citation in court. While some people might just choose to pay a traffic ticket and move on, every traffic ticket adds points to your driving record. Points on your driving record can mean higher insurance rates, and if you accumulate enough points, you could lose your driver’s license. You could also face other challenges as a result of a traffic ticket. Before you plead guilty to a traffic ticket and pay the fine, consider carefully the potential consequences. The Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. is a Palm Beach Gardens, Florida traffic ticket law firm that may be able to help you fight your traffic ticket in court.


The Palm Beach Gardens, Florida traffic ticket lawyers at the Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. work closely with individuals who have been issued a traffic citation and with those who want to fight their traffic citation in court. While some people might just choose to pay a traffic ticket and move on, every traffic ticket adds points to your driving record. Points on your driving record can mean higher insurance rates, and if you accumulate enough points, you could lose your driver’s license. You could also face other challenges as a result of a traffic ticket. Before you plead guilty to a traffic ticket and pay the fine, consider carefully the potential consequences. The Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. is a Palm Beach Gardens, Florida traffic ticket law firm that may be able to help you fight your traffic ticket in court.


When it comes to a traffic ticket, you are innocent until proven guilty. You can challenge your traffic ticket in court. If the police officer who issued your traffic ticket doesn’t show up, your traffic ticket may be dismissed by the judge. A traffic ticket lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida at the Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. may be able to also challenge your traffic ticket by using certain defenses.


Traffic Ticket Defenses


There are many ways you may be able to challenge a speeding ticket or fight a traffic citation in court. What are some common traffic ticket defenses? Here are a few:


  • Equipment used to measure speed wasn’t properly maintained, used, or working properly. Machinery used to measure speed needs to be properly used, maintained, and in proper working order. If a police officer wasn’t trained in the proper use of the radar, VASCAR, or lidar equipment, your speed might be improperly measured. For example, police radars might be car-mounted radars that allow an officer to measure your speed while the police car is in motion, or police may use radar guns, which are used when the police officer is stationary. Yet, issues can arise if a police officer uses a radar gun or a radar device not designed to be used in a moving vehicle. The officer’s pace could affect the outcome of the measurement. Other issues can arise with radar detection. If another car was speeding, the radar might potentially measure the wrong car. And if the radar detector hasn’t been properly calibrated on a regular basis, it is possible that the machinery may not be working properly. A Palm Beach Gardens traffic ticket lawyer can review the device used to measure your speed and determine whether there may have been flaws in the detection of your speed or issues with the device used to measure your speed.

  • Mistakes. While an officer’s observation is generally trusted, a traffic ticket lawyer may be able to challenge an officer’s observations if other cars in the area might have been speeding or if there was heavy traffic at the time and your car could have been mistaken for another car.

  • Witness testimony. If an officer claims that you ran a red light or a stop sign, but there are other witnesses who saw that you didn’t run the red light or stop sign, you may be able to challenge the officer’s version of events.

  • Hidden Stop Signs and Other Issues. If you can show that a stop sign was hidden by foliage or that mitigating factors like fog resulted in you running a red light, you may be able to get a judge to dismiss your traffic citation.

  • You violated the law to avoid harming another person. If you were speeding to get your pregnant wife to the hospital because she was in labor, you may be able to convince a judge to dismiss your speeding ticket. Generally, if you were violating the law to prevent harm to other people or to yourself, you may be able to convince the court to give you a break. This is a rare defense, but it could potentially work if the situation was truly life-threatening and legitimate.


These are just some of the defenses you may be able to use if you’ve been issued a traffic ticket. The Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. is a traffic ticket law firm in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida that can review the details of your situation, look at the traffic ticket and notes the officer put on the ticket, and fight your traffic ticket in court.


When Does a Traffic Ticket Result in a Driver’s License Suspension in Florida?


Points are added to a person’s driving record after a driver pleads guilty to a traffic violation or is convicted of the violation if he or she challenges the traffic ticket in court. Drivers receive different points for different types of violations. Speeding can result in 3 points, but more points might be added if the driver is excessively speeding. Failing to stop at a red light can result in 4 points being added to your record. If you get 12 points in 12 months, you could end up with a one-month driver’s license suspension. If you receive 18 points in 18 months, you could end up with a three-month suspension. And if you receive 24 points within 36 months, you could end up with a one-year suspension.


If you have received a traffic ticket and are about to lose your driver’s license, it is important that you take the traffic citation seriously. Before you pay the citation and risk losing your driver’s license, consider reaching out to the traffic ticket lawyers in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida at the Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. Our traffic ticket defense lawyers can review the details of your citation, take your case to court, and fight to help you get the best possible outcome under the law.


Hire a Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Today


Have you received a traffic ticket?


The Law Offices of John Olea, P.A. can help you.


  • Avoid fines or have them lowered.

  • Have your charges dropped or reduced

  • Avoid point accrual on your driving record

  • Avoid increased car insurance premiums

Because paying a ticket equates to pleading guilty to an offense, it may result in points on your license, possible suspension, revocation, or cancellation, a mention on your criminal record and it may affect your credit score. Often, traffic violations may lead to higher insurance premiums. Pleading guilty or no contest to a ticket at the can have both immediate and long-lasting consequences. Commercial drivers may face harsher penalties, including loss of employment and income. 


  • Speeding


  • Driving on a Suspended License

  • Hit and Run

  • Vehicular Homicide

  • Aggressive Driving

  • Leaving the Scene of An Accident

  • Disobeying a Traffic Signal

  • Driving Accident

  • Distracted Driving


With regard to traffic violations, John does not question guilt or innocence. The law and procedural technicalities play a critical role when determining the validity and argument on traffic tickets. Often, John can immediately spot a defective or improper ticket and sometimes receive a dismissal.


For more than twenty years, John's thorough knowledge of traffic law, procedural law, and the South Florida court system, has proved beneficial to over 3,000 traffic ticket clients.

Attorney John Olea has successfully defended many hundreds of cases, from the most serious to simple infractions. John is sensitive to the fact that any charge, even a minor one, can be absolutely devastating and cause emotional, financial, and other hardships. John devotes his time and thorough attention to the individual circumstances and details of every client’s case.


John Olea is personally available to discuss your case and answer any questions. Call 561-624-7717

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